'Nol ammod y cyfammod rhad

(Iechydwriaeth i'r byd)
'Nol ammod y
    cyfammod rhad
Erioed oedd rhwng
    y Mab a'r Tad;
  Gadawodd Iesu nef y nef,
  I'r ddaear hon gostynodd Ef;
Fe drefnodd iechydwriaeth fawr,
I'r gwaelaf ddyn sydd ar y llawr;
  Bydd canu am
      ei boen a'i gur,
  Dros byth ar fryniau Salem bur.

Boed i efengyl Iesu mawr
Orchuddio wyneb daear lawr;
  Ei hyfryd sain,
      a'i goleu clir,
  Fo'n amlwg yn yr anial dir;
Fel byddo i'r cenhedloedd oll
Ymgasglu 'nghyd, heb un ar goll -
  Doed pobloedd
      daear yn gytūn -
  I gyd addoli Mab y dyn!
1: Caniadau Bethel (Cas. Evan Edwards) 1840
2: David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822

[Mesur: MHD 8888D]

gwelir: Boed i efengyl Iesu mawr

(Salvation for the world)
According to the terms of the
    gracious covenant
That ever was between
    the Son and the Father;
  Jesus left the heaven of heaven,
  To this earth he condescended;
Great salvation was planned,
For the most base man on the earth below;
  There will be singing about
      his pain and his wound,
  Forever on the hills of pure Salem.

Let the gospel of great Jesus be
Covering the face of earth below;
  Its delightful sound,
      and it's clear light,
  Be evident in the desert land;
That all the nations be
Gathering together, with none lost -
  Let peoples of earth
      come in agreement -
  To worship together the Son of Man!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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